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Go to the Kingsburg: To Forge a Realm page
Go to the Dust Tactics page
Go to the Arcane Legions: Two-Player Starter Set page
2 out of 22 gamers thought this was helpful

i took off in the augusta area like a rocket. then it died in a short period of time. a fellow gamer went to pax east and said these guys had a booth but no one … not even the devs…. showed up for it.

Go to the Dungeons & Dragons: 4th Edition page
51 out of 89 gamers thought this was helpful

just now being put to book and cards. the cards are almost the clickys for mmos it is even more new rpg player friendly.

Go to the Kingsburg page


53 out of 114 gamers thought this was helpful

and picking resources for buildings… it is easy to learn but hard to master. the replay value is high because it will change every game you play.

Go to the Android page


60 out of 123 gamers thought this was helpful

don’t know if this was a bad day for this game or it was the person trying to show us how to play…. but i didn’t couldn’t get into it.

Go to the Dust Tactics page

Dust Tactics

49 out of 78 gamers thought this was helpful

If you really want to get someone into strategy/miniature games this is a great starter just for that. I love the game the rules are nice and easy to follow.

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