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Cooperative Game Explorer
Explore 10 games in the Cooperative Games Collection. view the collection >
Explore 10 games in the Cooperative Games Collection. view the collection >

Explorer - Level 2
Earn Explorer XP to level up by completing Explorer Quests!
Earn Explorer XP to level up by completing Explorer Quests!

Gamer - Level 3
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Earn Gamer XP to level up!

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Follow another gamer by clicking "Follow" after reading a review or viewing their profile.
Dungeon Roll
One of the drawbacks of the game is that with a larger group (which can even occur with four players) the players who are not rolling dice don’t feel engaged in the game until it is their turn to roll the dungeon or party dice.
A simple and easy way to solve this is to allow the dungeon dice to move from player to player as the adventurer travels deeper into the dungeon.