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Michael A. Dickman

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Go to the Zombie Dice page

Zombie Dice

6 out of 20 gamers thought this was helpful

During a whole gaming night, it is nice to play a game that takes little strategy and can be picked up easy. Like having a palate cleanser. I would bring this game to a party if there were other people playing different games.

I would say that if you were a person who REALLY likes zombie and is a games, not bad to buy if you find it at a good price. If not, your not missing out on too much. Just don’t pass it up if it is at a party.

Go to the Adventure Time Card Wars page
66 out of 107 gamers thought this was helpful

hearing what other people have said about this game and my own experience with the app for android, this game is a good way to intro younger people to deck building and other concepts in Magic and other card games. Not everyone likes the psychedelic art of Adventure Time, so that might be a hindrance to the game. Also, Fin and Jack are not on the cards or anywhere in the game (except the box). Someone might think they can play as Fin or Jack, but instead it is the game in the episode on Adventure Time that they experience.

I would strongly recommend the app. There are more cards and different players you can play; each with their own abilities.

Go to the SKIP-BO page


58 out of 68 gamers thought this was helpful

I work with people who have mental and physical disabilities and this is a game that we play A LOT. Good game for learning and practicing numbers. I have tried mixing it up by counting backwards and it worked out well. It would be nice for this game to had different conditions that players could play. Such as counting backwards, or only playing odds/evens, only playing colors or pure skip-o card piles. There are better children/family games that you could play, but this (like go fish and old maid) is one that many people know how to play.

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