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The New Era
This game is so good. I say that based on replayability and variety. The base concept is simple. You are a faction and that faction comes with a set of actions. the actions are then used to play the cards you have in hand. But each card can be played in three different ways, depending on which action you choose. So even if you start with the same hand to games in a row, the opening move won’t be the same.
As you can imagine the tablue you build will grow and you get more resources and actions as the game progresses as does your opponent. But that is a good thing, because you can use your opponents cards as well.
But great games comes at a cost. The rulebook is confusing, and there are many small fiddley rules. But I’m telling you up front, it worth it. It’s one of the few games me wife will request a second round of. Even after loosing.