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Runewars is a whole lot of fun and I love playing it but it can be difficult to find the time and people to play with. The size and time commitment people see when they look at the box scares a lot of people off. I mostly have played it 2 player with my boyfriend and a couple 3 or 4 player games with a friend and or my son added in.
There can be a great deal of thought that goes into each move and if someone goes into it thinking only war is the answer they are unlikely to win and can even be likely to do a bit of king-making before they go down in flames. I feel like I still have a lot to figure out about this game after about 15 or so plays.
We played it a lot when we first bought it but recently it seems it isn’t getting pulled out as often as some of our other faster lower set up games. I don’t often go longer than a month without playing it though. Hopefully we will be getting it to the table more often.