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About Me
I'm an all-round boardgamer, predominantly playing games that possess theme, though not exclusively so.
Avalon Hill's Civilization is my all-time favorite "heavy" game, San Juan my all-time favorite "light" game.
Rattus: Pied Piper
As noted in my review of the main game, it is almost essential to get this expansion to have much more choice in your characters. The option I prefer, is to randomly select a character from each category, or, if players agree, choose certain characters from the different categories. This way, the balance is there for how players are effected by the rat tokens, and you have mountains of replayability.
The additions are actually all fun, creating whole new avenues for creating interesting combos. The expansion also comes with some additional components, besides the 16 characters, because some of those characters have very special rules like walling off areas, or sending out nuns. And the titular Pied Piper can lure rat tokens from one region to another.
As I am a great fan of the game, I also own the smaller 4 character expansion that adds some legendary figures to the mix like Robin Hood and Merlin, the single promo Spiel ’10 expansion, and the exclusive Boardgamegeek Jester promo character card.
Lastly, keep your eye out for this year’s expansion, which adds a 5th and a 6th player, plus some interesting new play options. Rattus remains at its heart a chaotic and quick affair, but it is so much fun, and so interactive, that it doesn’t tire quickly.