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Andy Evans

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7 Wonders

63 out of 77 gamers thought this was helpful

There’s a lot to like about this game. It’s got some clever mechanisms, and is easy to pick up and play. I think the drafting mechanism is great, it really prevents downtime and helps place the game into a ‘super-filler’ category.

If you like games with clever mechanisms, a fun theme, don’t mind being coerced into certain strategies and generally like playing games in the company of other human beings as opposed to interacting with them, then this could be a game for you. It’s a good way of passing the time in the company of others.

However I make the 50 mile roundtrip to my two games clubs so I can actually engage with the people who meet there. I don’t think playing 7 Wonders adds anything more interesting than if we just turned up at the club, played games on our iPhones and then compared scores afterwards.

If 7 Wonders was an iDevice game I’d probably rate it an 8 – I’d really enjoy playing it on a toilet break at work, or whilst waiting for a delayed train.

But if I’m going to spend time and money getting somewhere to meet with others to game, then 7 Wonders is only a 6. Worth playing if you’ve got 30 mins at the end of the evening to kill, but as a main event it’s a bit shallow.

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