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KeyForge: Call of the Archons Starter Set
The premise of KeyForge promises that every player can buy a unique deck, which will provide a unique play experience for everyone that is fun. KeyForge delivers on that promise.
Part of what I love about KeyForge is the end game goal. Compared to many other similar card games like Magic or Pokemon, the goal of KeyForge is not to kill your opponent, but rather to forge 3 keys by gaining amber the fastest. With that, KeyForge promotes new and interesting mechanics that cannot be found within these games, such as capturing where an opponent can take control of a amber for forging a key with a creature, but the other player can get it back by killing the creature. Furthermore, creatures can reap to gain aember rather than fighting, providing an alternate yet intriguing decision to make every turn.
However, the end game goal does cause one problem, which is that the end game is often anti-climatic. Without at key cheat, an opponent can often see when they are going to lose the game, causing them to not finish the game properly. In the end, the experience getting to the win was still fun.
Keyforge also solves a problem found within many other TCGs, which is the issue of mana or lands to pay for cards. In many other games, the mana system can cause a player to go turns without playing a card, as they either have too much or too little mana. Instead, Keyforge limits the player to playing 1 of 3 houses each turn. Only cards and creatures of the chosen house can be played or used without paying any resources to do so. This means a player can easily have a powerful turn more quickly and mana cards don’t take up space in your hand.
Overall, Keyforge is exciting and promotes a great back in forth between players. I would suggest that people buy the Age of Ascension starter set if they want to play KeyForge.