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43 out of 49 gamers thought this was helpful

The game features beautiful art and the construction of the cards are very well done and intuitive. You play as either the runner or the corporation, each showcasing unique playstyle. As the runner you get to prepare your programs and hardwares to fight against the corporation’s ice which will try to stop you from hacking their servers. The corporation on the other will be defending most of the time against the runner’s attacks while trying to play his agenda cards. The goal is the same yet both players play a different game. To me runner was fairly easy to understand and play, you didn’t have the need to play slow and strategize, it was mostly taking a bet on wether the corp sets up a trap or is actually trying to defend a piece of agenda. The corp learning curve was fairly harder beacause you wanna play your agendas to score them but you really got to be careful and prepare in advance or else the runner an steal it, then again, the runner can try to steal it from your hands which makes it all the more harder to decide what to protect. The game is very fun to play and can last a couple of minutes if you make a mistake or last for about 40 min if both plays it well.

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