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Review 3 games and receive a total of 40 positive review ratings.
Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game
i just got done with my first play of this game and I could not be more happy.
This game manages to encompass everything that is great about Blood Bowl while keeping the rules simple and light. The six starting teams all play with their own unique feel. They are not just clones of each other. I chose to play Chaos which was full of brutality and cheating. My opponent picked the dwarves who play in a very guarded yet offensive way.
The box makes the game play seem longer than it will actually be, we were done in about an hour. The game is played in five rounds, each representing a week of the blood bowl season. As the Managers you play through the weekly highlights. These games will give all sorts of rewards; star players, team upgrades and manager upgrades. The upgrade cards rare represented as different types of training your team goes through which makes them better at certain skills and aspects of the game. I leaned towards the more offensive upgrades which made my team better at some skills like tackling and sprinting.
The ultimate goal of the game is to be the team with the most fans at the end of the season. Fans totals are scored on individual scoreboards that each player gets at the start of the game. The rulebook seems daunting at first, but once you actually play the game everything starts making sense very quickly.
The players will have four different skills: tackling, sprinting, passing and cheating. Tackling allows you to attack another player in a match. This is done by comparing the star power of the attacker vs the defender and rolling the tackle dice. Passing allows control of the ball. Sprinting let’s you draw more cards from your player deck which means there will be more players for you to deploy that round. Cheating allows you to cheat (shocking) which is represented in the game by cheating tokens. You take the tokens as you cheat and reveal them during the scoring portin of the game. Cheat tokens will either add to your star power, fan total or get the offending player ejected from the game.
Without going into a longer summary of the rules this game is just plain fun. I was surprised how much of the blood bowl feel was captured in such a small box. This card game will give every blood bowl fan what they want: senseless violence, blatant cheating and a chance to be the ultimate Warhammer football champion.