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Bought this game for six euros on discount, i never would have bought this game for full price, because of its outside looks and that I had never heard about it. Game is really good and interesting, with many possible ways to win. It is simple, easy to learn, quick and fun to play.
Games story line is about Egypt when priests of two deities are fighting for power and influence. Each player plays for one of dieties- Aton or Amon by taking over four different temples using priests. Each temple gives points in different ways, game may be won by colecting fourty points or taking over all Green or yellow tiles in each temple, or taking over whole temple. Game mechanics is based on deciding in which order to put your four drawn cards. One time in each game you can put away drawn cards and draw others. On cards are numbers from 1 to 4, each player gets own card deck with the same amount of cards and values. Game board is put together by six puzzle pieces.
Very good price quality ratio.
There are not so many two players games and this is a great filler.
I suggest this game as a break between more complicated games or a starter.