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Bruxelles 1893
Bruxelles 1893 is a very challenging game.
It has lots of ways of making points, and the points you make with each one will be diferent according to the coeficient you decide for each.
The game allows you to choose only some of this ways and to be however effective, and this is one of the things I like more from it.
The race to free your workers from jail is very important, and so is the fact of choosing fast at least two of the ways of getting points to do them.
In sum, there’s a lo of games in one, there’s a lot of races in wich we can decide or not to be, and a lot of ways to win.
By the way, the colours, symbols and shapes are not friendly at all and the board and card colours and style, although they match well the subject, are not very convenient for seeing clearly the diferent scales.