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Memoir '44
Memoir’ 44 Provides a bit of history with a thrilling dance of both strategy and luck.
The rules are very easy to understand and cards are included to explain on the fly how terrain restrictions and penalties apply for each tile on the game board. This keeps you out of the rule book and into the gameplay.
The gameplay has you move units based on the cards you draw and attack based on the roll of some customized dice. This gives the game a great randomization to movement and battles that will appeal to both strategy gamers and social gamers alike.
The components are very high quality including plastic models for infantry, armor, artillery and obstructions(sandbags, barbed wire, etc.). Some pieces in my personal set had to be glued back to the bases but took nothing away from the quality of the overall components.
The setup takes a bit of time as tiles will need to be added to the gameboard to specific locations based on the scenarios in the rulebook. Think 5-8 minutes to setup once you understand the tiles.
Overall this is a must have for any gaming collection. Whether you play casually, socially or competitively you will find enjoyment in this wonderful WWII strategy board game.