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We decided to start reviewing table top games a few months ago, and posted our first review for a fast-paced, low-skill card game called Sushi Go! We really enjoyed the process of playing a game and analyzing the different aspects and pros and cons of it, so we decided it was time for another game review! Nat got a game called Takenoko (we refer to as “The Panda Game”) for Christmas last year. We love it so much, that when we discovered that the creator of Takenoko made another game called Tokaido, we just had to have it! Tokaido is newer, and not as well known as Takenoko so we decided to review it.20150625_204550_resizedTokaido is a cute, fun game for 2 – 5 players that takes around 45 minutes to complete. During the game, players are traveling the Tokaido “East Sea Road” which connects Kyoto to Edo in Japan. The object of the game is to “fully savor the experience that Tokaido has to offer.” As the game plays out, travelers take turns making stops at points along the road. Along their journey to Edo, travelers paint pictures, relax in hot springs, collect souvenirs, embark on surprise encounters, and eat delicious Japanese dishes, which all award the travelers various amounts of points. The game ends when all of the travelers arrive for their final meal at the Inn in Edo (modern day Tokyo). Travelers earn end-of-game bonus points for eating the most expensive food, collecting the most souvenirs, visiting the most hot springs, and being the most “social” or embarking on the most surprise encounters. The winner is the traveler with the most total points at the end of the game. From our experience, every time we play it is a really close game, and it’s hard to tell who is going to win until the end of the game. Strategizing wisely can lead to some major points in just one or two turns!
We enjoy this games for several reasons – it is unique, strategic, and has a super cute objective. In a two-player game, players take turns controlling a “dummy traveler” that is primarily used to block their opponent from completing objectives (such as completing a painting). One of the interesting twists in a two-player game is that no two travelers can stop at the same points of interest, so it is fairly easy to work against one’s opponent by thoughtfully moving one’s own traveler and the dummy along the road. Another interesting twist of Tokaido is that the traveler who is farthest back on the road always goes first, which can allow a traveler to take several turns in a row. But intentionally being behind the other travelers to score additional turns might not be the best strategy, because along the road are four stops at Inns where travelers have the opportunity to purchase meals that translate into points, and the Inns are first come first serve. Some of the meals are more expensive, but all of the meals have the same point value, and no traveler can enjoy the same meal twice on this journey! Additionally, the traveler farthest along on the road controls the “dummy traveler”. The only major differences in a 3 – 5 player game is that some of the points along the road allow for more than one traveler to visit at a time, and the “dummy traveler” is no longer used.
Time to Rate
Fun Factor: 5/5
-so many game play options and so much cuteness
-lighthearted but competitive
Learning Challenge: 2.5/5
-there are a lot of options on what moves to make each turn
-there is a learning challenge involved in making decisions about the best stops to make along the road and understanding how the different stops award points
-each player is given two characters at the beginning of each game that have special abilities, but can only keep one; we always have to look up the characters in the rule book to figure out what their special ability is
Artwork: 5/5
-the artwork compliments the tone of the game
-the artwork/components of the game help us feel like we can really get into the objective of the game
Originality: 5/5
-we have never seen a game quite like Tokaido
-the concept of traveling along a road and stopping to relax in hot springs and to paint pictures makes Tokaido one of a kind
Replay Value: 5/5
-the different characters assigned at the beginning of the game are highly influential on each travelers strategy, and since the characters as picked randomly, you may end up with a different character each time
-a traveler’s strategy can change greatly based on the moves of other travelers and the events that play out during the game
Luck vs Skill: 3/5
-there is luck involved in the stops that involve drawing cards that are face down (such as when you are trying to collect sets of souvenir cards) and you don’t know what cards you are going to draw
-skill involves strategizing over what stops are most beneficial to each traveler, including yourself and others
-having one focus in the game is not enough and will get a traveler easily blocked by other players (such as focusing solely on painting pictures or buying souvenirs)
Two-Player Friendly: 4/5
-a more experienced player can easily manipulate and work against the other traveler, especially using the “dummy player”
-Tokaido is more fun and competitive with more than two travelers, especially since travelers can use table talk to try to influence other travelers’ moves
Overall Feeling: 5/5
-overall, Tokaido is a blast to play
-it is a fun game even for new players who don’t really know what their doing
-while it does have a competitive spirit, it is still loads of fun even if you don’t win
-the games are so close, that is a rare for a player to get significantly ahead or behind, enhancing the fun of the game all the way to the end
Overall Rating: 4.3/5
Want to check out Tokaido?
Creator: Antoine Bauza
Illustrator: Naiade
Manufacturer’s Facebook:
Manufacturer’s Website:
MRP: $39.99
-Nat & Amy