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Forbidden Desert
Forbidden Desert is the predecessor to Forbidden Island. This is a cooperative game where the players uncover parts to create a flying machine to escape the desert.
The game mechanics are very much the same as Forbidden Island but instead of raise a sinking island, you are trying to remove the sand from the desert. I enjoy the cooperative nature of the game and the fact that each player is taking on a different character with a unique ability.
The game is easy to learn and setup is quite easy. The components are very colorful and go very well with the game.
The only aspect of the game that does not work well is the sandstorm. Sand accumulates very quickly and it takes a lot of planning to remove efficiently. We’ve played 5 games and were only able to win once. 3 of the games were played on the easiest setting.
Even though I like the game, I feel that it is too frustrating for casual gamers to enjoy.