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Uncharted: Board Game
Uncharted is mostly a card based game, but the board is very helpful. The objective of this game is of course to finish the game with the most victory points, however, it is designed so that there are many ways to get there. Beware though, if you have played the game on PS3, the theme music playing over and over in your head may keep you distracted, and that super Boss will take you out!
Choose a hero based on your mood…you can be a hero in the classic sense, or your hero can be, well, on the shadier side (hero’s come from the console game characters). Either way, the game will play out the same, but it’s always funner to be in character. Your hero will have a unique number of health points, and depending on the difficulty level you choose, you may have unique special abilities as well that take effect when you meet certain criteria.
In the main game area, there will always be a certain number of bosses and treasures. Finding the treasures by placing search tokens on them, and defeating bosses by accumulating damage cards in your personal card area, gives you victory points. Turn actions include playing a card (paid for by cards in your hand), placing search tokens on treasures, using cards in your play area, and battling bosses. Play in each round continues until all players have passed, and then the bosses still in the main game area attack. When a card pile runs out, the game is over.
The game play is fairly basic, however, what makes this game really fun, are the game play modes. It makes what would be an average game, a great game. True to video game style, there are various difficulty levels (go for legendary, and prepare to get smashed), and also game types, and of course, bosses. I haven’t played all game types, but it really adds a lot to this game being able to play against other players in board game mode, or play with them in cooperative survival mode, or to finish it off with a good old fashion deathmatch.