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The Resistance: 3rd Edition
Do you want to play a game where your closest allies and dearest friends, could possibly be your worst nightmare? The Resistance is the perfect game, keeping you guessing who is a loyal member of the Resistance, and who is the spy of the corrupt empire.
With no need for a table, this game can be played anywhere, even without buying the whole game. You can easily play will a simple deck of cards, one color of cards symbolizing Resistance Members and Success, and the other color symbolizing Spies and Failures.
The recommended amount of players being 5, you can also play with up to 10! No matter how many people to play with, you are guarantied to have a fun time.
The beauty of the game is that the identity cards that are dealt to each player are done so randomly and secretly. This makes it so that no one, except the spies themselves, knows which of their friends are trying to fail their missions, and which of them are actually trying to help.
Wondering how to play??
When playing with 5 players, you put down 2 Spy Cards, and 3 Resistance Cards, and shuffle them up, and then deal them out to yourself and your players. Have everyone look at there cards, and then put them to the side, and keep them face down.
After this is done, everyone closes their eyes. The 2 spies then open their eyes, find the other spy, make eye contact, and then close their eyes again. The game leader then tells everyone to open their eyes, and the game begins.
One player (determined in any way you want ex: age, most experienced player, etc.), starts by picking 2 players to go on a mission. You usually want to include yourself on the missions you pick seeing as you know if you are a spy or resistance member.
Once the team is picked, every votes Yes or No if they like or dislike the team chosen for the mission.
If more than half of the votes are Yes, then the mission goes on. Otherwise, the person to your left picks 2 people, and you try again.
When the team goes on the mission, each member is given two cards: A Failure card, and a Success card. Loyal resistance members must ALWAYS vote for the mission to succeed. The Spies however, get to choose if they want to succeed or fail a mission. It only takes one failure card to fail the entire mission.
The number of people chosen for the missions changes each round.
Round 1: 2 players
Round 2: 3 players
Round 3: 2 players
Round 4 and 5: 3 players
The goal of the game for a resistance member is to succeed on half of the missions, while the spies want to fail half of the missions.
If half the missions are failed or succeeded, the game is over, and your identity cards are revealed.
This game can be played again and again, but you will never know which of the smiling faces around you want to watch you, and your entire Resistance, burn to the ground.
Are you ready to light that fire? or will you lead the fight against the empire and bring forth a new dawn?
All of that will be determined when you sit down and play a game of The Resistance!