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Playing games is a hobby, I love learning new games. I tend to stick to fantasy genres but recently have moved to a few different ones.
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BGG Profile - Moridarus
The Walking Dead: The Board Game
Wow, this game is a good time.
Exactly what a Zombie game should be, a constant fear of a million zombies running at you and eating your face off.
These zombie tokens are everywhere… there are just so many of the things, maybe it would be better to get tokens for tokens I don’t know but it just makes such a big mess, hesitate to take the game out for that reason alone sometimes.
That being said, the production quality is good, everything is punch-cardboard, mostly because of these zombies were plastic you wouldn’t have enough room for them. The characters could have been upgraded to plastic models but, they’re good enough as punch cardboard on little stands. The art style stays incredibly true to the comic series, which makes me smile.
The replay value is what really kills it for me. Yes, you can end up with different characters and schemes but it’s the same map every time and tracking from one point to another is really bothersome most of time. The first five, even six times is fun though…It’s a great game.
After re-thinking this game, I kind of wish I gave it a 7/10. I need to be able to change that somehow.