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Go to the Kingsburg page
Go to the Formula D page
Go to the Defenders of the Realm: Dragon Expansion page
60 out of 90 gamers thought this was helpful

This expansion makes an already challenging game 10x harder. Still this game has some really cool components and I still want to play it even though I know I will probably be slaughtered by the dragons!

Go to the Super Dungeon Explore page
82 out of 141 gamers thought this was helpful

This game has become a recent favorite of my gaming group. Admittedly there is some length to the game with more players at the table.

I have play on both sides of the table controlling a player character and the Bad guys. The look on the players faces when you finally summon Rex “the mini-boss” is priceless.

There are a lot of neat mechanics in this game that makes teamwork vital and solo adventuring tough!

I have enjoyed it every time I have played and the time does go by quickly the more you play and know what your doing!

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