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Storm Hollow: A Storyboard Game
I really enjoyed playing this game. After I played this game 4 times, I was ready to go on to playing D&D. When I had played that many times I really got the hang of the game and Role Playing games. But now I decided I wanted to move on to D&D.
I liked the world and the characters that this game provided. In the world there are different rifts. They were all odd, unique, made-up places that the Poppins/player(s) end up in, coming from the normal world. Also there were more unique places inside each rift you can explore, for example, Venture. Venture was the capital city of all of Storm Hollow, which every creature was part off it physically, and magically. For the characters there is a group of multiple different magical people a player can be. Someone could make any character they wanted from these, but has to be one of the classes given.
My favorite part of the game is the world/places and characters. They were very artistic and unique. Other than helping my understand RPGs I also loved that part of this game too.