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Warhammer 40,000: Assault on Black Reach
As a standalone game, this is a solid, if pricey set. The rules are better written than previous editions and the two forces are actually pretty well matched, with only a slight tilt in favor of the Space Marines. The figures are fun to paint if you’re interested in modeling- it’s a hobby in and of itself.
Warhammer 40K as a whole is another matter for me. This box is a starter set- to play at the scale Games Workshop intended you will end up spending a few hundred dollars more at minimum (other miniatures games cost much less to get to a so-called full size game).
While the rules are better than previous editions and more suited to competitive play, there are still significant balance issues (mainly due to the way GW releases additional rulebooks). Certain rules, like wound allocation and line of sight, are handled better in other games. “I go, you go” rules can be frustrating- individual turns can take a long time and new players will struggle with learning to counteract perceived first-turn advantage.
I think 40K plays well at smaller scales but falls short at the scale GW feels is ideal (about 3-6 times the size of the armies in this box). An important component of enjoying any game is finding good players. You will find this to be especially true of Warhammer 40,000.
My verdict:For 40K as a whole: try before you buy. Miniatures games are often more detailed and expensive than board games so finding one that fits you is important. I prefer smaller scale games and most 40k players “play big” so it is not for me, but that might be right up your alley.
As a standalone game, it’s good, but there are other miniature games that are better at this price range.