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Summoner Wars Master Set
At first I really enjoyed this game. It has nice art, a good lore, diversity of factions with very different playstyles and a good game mechanic overall (referring to the use of a board and spaces to move your cards as if a chess like game). The fatal flaw of this game is the die. It just ruins the experience. On my first games I rolled good dice, so I hadn’t noticed how much they can affect the outcome of a match.
Having played more, I know now that there are times when you can’t even put up a strategy. For example, there was a game where I only rolled two results of 3 or more, which means I only managed to do 2 damage to my enemy. One of them was on a Wall and the other was on a common unit that had 2 health. My oponnent destroyed all of my units over 2 turns, leaving me only with my summoner, and got his victory in less than 5 minutes – even though I played defensive and was even able to summon more units (only to roll more bad dice). Don’t get me wrong, it is possible to have really amazing matches of Summoner Wars, where the dice are fair with both sides, but to me at least it only happens twice every 10 games. So if you want to play a strategy game where your wits count more than your luck, I would never recommend this game to you.