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Arkham Horror
I bought this game some time ago on a whim. “I like Cthulhu,” I said to myself, “so this game is probably for me.” The first thing I noticed was the sheer amount of content in the box: a massive board, character sheets, character tokens, a plethora of cards and tokens, and dozens of monsters.
It was a bit difficult to learn initially, but once we were in the swing of things, the game really got rolling (I still have to consult the rule book from time to time, though). The game can be rather overwhelming at first, with all sorts of monsters everywhere, portals opening, and an elder horror looming overhead. I urge everyone who wants to try this game to work cooperatively, as you really have the most fun that way.
There is a lot of replayability in this game. You’ve got a good number of elder horrors that could be awakening, and gameplay is different for each one of them. Some are more brutal than others, such as Yog-Sothoth, who ends the game if he is awakened. Others are easier to play against, but each offers its own unique challenges.
I urge everyone who plays this to not be discouraged if you wind up losing–that’s half the fun. I’ve recommended and played this game with dozens of friends who all wound up having fun. This is a solid investment for any avid game lover.