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Blood Rage
Components: Ok, we all know the miniatures in this game are SUPERB. I like the cards being small and manageable. The tokens are kind of meh, they are very small and I’m always affraid someone will lose one of them. But they fulfill their purpose.
Gameplay: Blood Rage SHINES here too. I really like the draft mechanic at the beginning of each round. For me, It’s like 2 games in one. Draft first, action, fight and blood then. Another think I like is that you never know who’s gonna win until the end. For example, I had a game where a friend (M) and I ended the first age with 3 glory and another friend (N) had 25. I was having a lot of fun, but thought I had no chance to win. At the end of the game, N reached 68 glory, I reached 72 and M had 78 !! I LOVED that, and also loved that each one of us used a different strategy. N focused on pillaging, M on winning battles and I on losing them !
You know you like a game when you are thinking when are you going to play it again while you are still playing it!