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Go to the 7 Wonders page
Go to the The Settlers of Catan page
Go to the 7 Wonders: Leaders page
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Go to the Defenders of the Realm page
87 out of 172 gamers thought this was helpful

Deebders of the realm takes Pandemic to a new level.
Great componets fantastic story eazy to learn and play.
Very good mechanics one of the best family games.
Componets 4/5
Game play 5/5
Story 4/5
The games time is about 1 1/2 hour.
Also the Dragon expansion is great.
Recommended for all ages.

Go to the 7 Wonders: Leaders page

7 Wonders: Leaders

5 out of 45 gamers thought this was helpful

7 Wonders is a great game and with this expansion becomes awasome.
One of the best games ever.
A must buy if you like the original game.

Go to the Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft Board Game page
39 out of 85 gamers thought this was helpful

This is a very nice game but the rules are little confused.
The compnets are fantastic.It takes only an hour to play the missions are good.
The quality of the game is very good and the story also.
Not the best gaem but a good one

Go to the Tobago page


68 out of 157 gamers thought this was helpful

When i first got the game it looks very nice with great componets and a nice game play.
But after the second game we lost oyr interst for the game.
Even the kid don’t like it.
Except for the componets nothing else is good.The luck factor is very big in this game.

Go to the Stone Age page

Stone Age

37 out of 106 gamers thought this was helpful

Stone age is a good family game.
It can be played by no gamers too.
Very eazy to learn it takes 1 hour to play.
I think that an expansion will bring the game to next level.
Nice componets great art work.
One of the bert euro games.

Go to the Catan: Seafarers page

Catan: Seafarers

75 out of 160 gamers thought this was helpful

I have Catan since 1998 and fron the start of the game i wondered why this game has no ships.
This expansion give a big depth to the game.
The rules are the same and the sheeps now have a bigger perpose for the game.

Go to the Ticket to Ride page

Ticket to Ride

23 out of 69 gamers thought this was helpful

Ticket to ride is a good reason for no gamers to find out the awasome board game world.
It’s eazy to learn with simple rules nice componets and some nice rules and strategies.
Even chlidren can play this game.
You can play many games because every game plays between 45-1 hour at the most.

Go to the Ticket to Ride: Europe page
33 out of 78 gamers thought this was helpful

I hve played ticket to ride many times but ticket to ride europe it’s much better game with new mechanics and many ways to win.
One of the best family games ever made for many hours of funny games.

Go to the Cyclades page


54 out of 147 gamers thought this was helpful

Cyclades is an awasame game with great componets and great mechanics.
It’s a very simple game with good rules and a fine mix of euro game rules.
Recommended for no gamers too.
Fantastic theme,fantastic componets.

Go to the BattleLore page


62 out of 106 gamers thought this was helpful

One of the best games that i have ever played is Battlelore.
Great componnets great stories and thousands on net for many hours of play.
It’s very eazy to learn and the best thing about this game is lore.
I love this game and with the expansions that this game has it goes to an other level of play.

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