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Sleeping Queens
Our daughters, ages 7 & 9 LOVE this game. Honestly, my husband and I thought it’d be just another card game for the family, but since we’ve opened it we’ve played for up to two hours, 3-4x’s a week!
It’s a creative card game, using different character cards to wake the sleeping queens. Not a ton of strategy is involved, so it’s a quick game for younger children to learn, while being complex in utilizing math skills to get rid of number cards and replace them with face cards.
My husband and the girls were playing with the straight rules, 50 points or 5 queens wins the game with 2-3 player. They recommend 40 points or 4 queens with 4 player. I suggested we play to 5 queens or 50 points to make it a little more challenging. We’ve all enjoyed the challenge more.
Watch out, Uno! I think Sleeping Queens stole your thunder.