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About Me
I am a pretty hard core gamer.
Name any game and I will have probably heard or played it before. Well, maybe not table top games as I am pretty new to it still. XD
And when I am not playing games, I am usually caught red handed reading up very deep stuffs like philosophy, theology and stuffs that usually bore people to sleep.
If you have any nice games to intro (especially board games) , feel free to introduce them to me! As it is my personal motto to not "Judge not a game until you have played it and leave no game un-played". =P
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City of Horror
This game is actually pretty good once you get the rules down. You will start out slow as you attempt to understand how the game plays. There are a lot of things that you need to look out for when you play the game. Meaning there will be constant flipping of pages and referring to the rule book (especially individual character abilities). That said, the learning curve is a bit steep but it is manageable still.
The goal of the game is to rescue as much survivors (you start with 3) AND immunize them by giving them injections. Both of these criteria needs to be fulfilled before they are considered ‘saved’ and yield victory points.
But what really make this game shine is the ‘negotiation’ part of the game where you have to decide which character to sacrifice during a zombie invasion. There are no combat checks in this game, and when or where the zombie invasion happens is decided by a pile of cards you draw every turn. This card can only be seen by people who stand at the watch tower. So people at other location doesn’t know where the zombie invasion is (and this is how people at the watch tower gain negotiation leverage. By offering a zombie invasion forecast in return for benefits).
That said, after one session of this game with your friends, you will probably know who among them are ******** and ******** lol. While it is fun the first few times, it gets a bit old after replaying it many times. You just get immune to the back stabbing. Part of the fun of the game is not knowing what to expect from new players/strangers and if you know your friend is an *******, he will probably act like one in game as well lol.