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I really wasn’t expecting much from this game, but I’m glad to say I was surprised by it. The learning curve is fthatairly low; but the multiple means to get victory points, a large cast of characters to choose from, and an interesting mechanic to determine turn order really add a much needed level of strategy. I’ve only played through the game half a dozen times, but from what I’ve seen so far it will be brought to the table for quite a while yet.
The components of this game are on the higher end of the scale, which is always much appreciated. What really drew me in though was the art style. Everything has a really cool whimsical Asian influence to it, which ties in with the theme of traveling the coast of Japan.
There is a whole lot to love here as long as you take the game for what it is. A fairly quick light hearted romp that can be a good change of pace from heavier stock.