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War of Honor
1)Since this game can be a little complex for those not familiar with L5R, I suggest allocating a couple of hours for this game at first until you get familiar with it.
2)I’ve found it useful to say “Your action” rather than “Your turn” since players take actions during everyones’ turn.
3)Due to space limitations + tiles on table, have your personalities to the right, around/near/above your Fate deck, (called Home) and when they assign to attack, just move them in front of your own provinces and specify which of opponents provinces you’re attacking. He(Defender) can also just slide said province cards forward a bit for memory aid. Allies can add their units on your side too for visual aid.
And 4)This game is funnest with more players (ie.4)Especially since there are cards in the deck that are ally specific, so you won’t get the full use of the cards and therefore the game itself.