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We played this with our usual gaming group. It was a blast, and was played almost exclusively for a while.
I taught a 9 year old to play. He learned it instantly and loved it.
We took it to my in law’s. Even after three games of explaining each turn, they simply couldn’t pick up the rules. On the fourth of July we played with the other side of my wife’s family. Same thing: they couldn’t follow along.
I think it’s all in the sort of person: you need to be able to grasp fluid rules, because that’s all Fluxx is: constantly changing chaos. There’s no long term strategy, as anything you plan could be totally demolished by your next turn: hand limit 1, rotate hands, player to your left picks your first card, new goal.
That’s fine, though: this game is something to play when you don’t want to have to think about strategy and want utter chaos. I’ve joked that when I play it my alignment shifts to chaotic neutral, because I care more about doing crazy stuff than actually winning.