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Defenders of the Realm: Dragon Expansion
This is a fantastic expansion that adds to an already fantastic game.
While the Defenders Base Game is one of the most re-playable games for my gaming group, the Dragon Expansion brings it to a fantastic new level. Being primarily a D&D group, finally being able to go up against 4 Dread Dragons and their assorted minions makes it feel like a classic D&D quest — one in which no one has to sit on the sidelines or DM the match.
The co-operative spirit is especially fantastic, and the heavy incorporation of games theme make each play-through instantly unique and memorable. Anecdotally, we once had a player Solo Hemlock (the Green Dragon) with the Eagle Rider. The Eagle Rider defeated the Dragon, but perished in the process. When that player chose a new character, he also drew the “Friend of the Eagle Rider” legend card, and began to enact vengeance across the land for his fallen friend!
It’s instances and stories like this that have made the game such a fantastic play for us, and will forever remain at the top of my gaming shelf.