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GUBS is a cute, simple card combat game. The objective is to have more GUBS than the other players at the end of the game. You draw cards that can protect your cards, or can attack or steal the other players’ cards. That said, there are two twists:
1) The end of the game comes unexpectedly. The game ends when the three cards that spell G-U-B have been drawn from the deck. So, the game can end at any moment. This adds an element of surprise to the game and makes it more suspenseful.
2) This game encourages being evil. Often in friendly, family games, players hesitate to attack other players, but in GUBS so many of the cards have devastating effects that you can’t really avoid it. This turns the game into a combative free-for-all, which is a lot of fun and encourages that “just one more game” feeling, because you always want to get back at the person who just stole/killed your GUBS in the previous game.
Pros: The art on the cards is attractive, there are many different and interesting cards in the deck, fun and easy to learn
Cons: Strategy lacks depth, game is often decided by chance, some cards are massively overpowered, some card explanations are vague or don’t match the instructions.