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32 out of 82 gamers thought this was helpful

And pokes it in a good, stimulating way. Great party game, especially with people with weird, warped minds.

Go to the Magic: The Gathering - Zendikar page
3 out of 19 gamers thought this was helpful

What can I say? I love Zendikar for Allies, who are probably my favorite tribe in MTG (Slivers are close second), for Quests…well, for everything. New mechanics are easy to learn and use, but still have room for more refined, subtle applications.

Go to the Apples to Apples page

Apples to Apples

57 out of 91 gamers thought this was helpful

Awesome stress relief when you don’t want to play anything too much concentration and focus demanding, but have a lot of funny friends around instead.

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