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The Board Game Critic
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About Me
I am a Board Game Designer and critic! I do freelance game design and mechanic balancing for some major game companies and it is what I love. I am passionate about deck builders and drafting. I hate dice but they usually make their way into my designs.
I love the look and feel of the game. Basically players are taking dinos from their hand and putting them in their zoo habitats. You get rewards for different placement bonuses. Once you have played around 20 times you get to a pretty comfortable strategy but there is enough that gets mixed up to keep you thinking each time you play the game. A perfect filler or warm-up game. I highly recommend for kids as you can put the dinosaurs anywhere and get some kind of points, and it is enough for adults to have a good time as well. Your hard-core gamer friends might not be too impressed, but I would be very surprised if there isn’t something in here that everyone can enjoy.