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Give 50 hearts (loyalty points) to a single game

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Give 25 hearts (loyalty points) to a single game

I'm Gettin' the Hang of It
Claim that you have played a game today by clicking the "Played Today!" button on a game page 10 times.
Claim that you have played a game today by clicking the "Played Today!" button on a game page 10 times.

My First Game Tip
Submit a game tip, strategy, or house rule.
Submit a game tip, strategy, or house rule.
As many other people imply (or outright declare) this game is about backstabbing people at the right moment. This type of gameplay doesn’t sit well with everyone.
It’s best if you play with a group of total strangers that know the game. It’s also good if you have friends who know what they’re getting into ahead of time.
Do NOT introduce this game to a new girlfriend, or a non-gamer family member. This does not end well.