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You are an extremely bored AI, you have robots and you have factory floors. What would you do? It’s a race, it’s an obstacle course, it’s a chance to kill all your friends robots in order to rule the factory floor. I’ve found that with this type of race game (ones where you “program” movements) that either you love them, or you hate them. I, personally, love them. The newest incarnation of this has some really good things. The robot pawns now have arrows on their bases to show their facing. The “start” board is a nice addition, and the player boards are very helpful. Some people have rated the replay value as low, but I do not agree. With 5 boards and 6 flags, this can be a very different game each time. If you can pick up some of the older boards, you can add great variety to the game. I also know several people (including me) that have made up their own themed boards in order to make even more variety. This is a classic game and should be in everyone’s library.