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Zombicide: Black Plague
I missed the KS for this one, but managed to pick it up via a trade and I’m glad I did!
The game is PACKED with minis and provides 6 heroes in the base game. The rulebook is well laid out and provides answers to most questions that would pop up during a game. Gameplay is fairly standard – take 1 of 6 actions (you get 3 total on your turn) and then roll dice to open doors or fight zombies. Enemies start to accumulate as the game goes on and makes completing your objectives harder and harder.
The player boards are excellent and keep everything neatly organized during gameplay. I enjoyed the visual of seeing what was in your hand and in your backpack while playing.
Right now I am through a few of the quests and see that I will get many hours’ worth of entertainment from the quests in the book. If you are fan of dungeon crawls, zombies, or minis, then you will not be disappointed by this one.