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Scrabble Slam! Card Game
For those who like Scrabble but don’t have a lot of time. Here’s a review that was useful to me (from Amazon):
The previous reviewer summed up the game well. However, it’s important to note that the game is played by all players SIMULTANEOUSLY – which does get the pace picked up quite a bit. You have to be pretty quick in “slamming” a card down to create your new word while the other players are all trying to do the same thing. Thus the four-letter word is ever-changing. I saw the commercial for this game on TV and being from a family that loves games about to head out on a family vacation, went to Target where I saw it for about $5. We played it with four adults, three adults and two adults and during each of those scenarios, had a blast. It was fun trying to stump each other with rare four-letter words. My mom has recommended it to several of her friends who have grandchildren. It’s a great game for kids learning to spell and to challenge their word skills. Warning: After several rounds of this game, you’ll find yourself on the lookout for four-letter words all the time!