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Risk: Legacy
Somehow I had four guys ripe for adversarial board games at my work, and I didn’t even know it. My work buddies, guys that I’ve had drinks with, I had no idea were board game geeks lurking underneath. Maybe they didn’t even know it. All four were jumping at the chance to play this new version of Risk. The smack talking began two weeks before we had even played the game.
I had read the rules several times before our first play, so I was pretty versed in what needed to get the game rolling.
I will say, this game played with the right group of players is one of the best times I’ve had playing board games EVER. By now you know the flavor of the game. What I didn’t expect from this group was the perfect mixture of passionate play, held grudges, abandoned treaties, consistent trash talking, grand and fatal tactical errors and “unrelenting Blitzkriegs with the power of 10,000 suns” (words actually spoken during play). This game provides the perfect theater for all involved.
What I didn’t expect to happen was the after action replay the next day at work. Emails flying back and forth, smack talking in the hallways, the promise of revenge, and the reliving of the battlefield exploits. Everyone was champing at the bit as to when the next battle would take place. I must say, we are all a little addicted to concept of playing the game again, and opening the packs to see what lies before us.
IF you have the right group of friends, complete buy-in the complete nerdiness of this concept, this is a GREAT social game / light war / gateway game.
I know that someday, I’ll look back at this time now and think of how lucky I am to have all the packs in front of me, unopened. The battles yet to be fought.