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7 Wonders
7 Wonders is the game to play when you have a bigger group. Usually we have to split up when we have 6 or 7 players. 7W gives us the option of playing together. It scales so well, there is not a lot of waiting, even at the high numbers.
A lot of other reviewers have gone over rules and gameplay, so I will provide a few other reasons you may need to get 7 Wonders in addition to it’s scalability:
1) The game is a hybrid of card drafting and a civilization game that can play in 30 to 45 minutes. Where else can you get your civ fix in that timeframe?
2) It’s easy enough for new players while still keeping us gamers satisfied with it’s strategical and tactical decisions. It’s not complex, but there’s enough going on to keep me interested in a game or two each game night.
3) It is very well-balanced. You never know who is going to be the winner. It is usually close, and that keeps everyone in the game.
I like 7 Wonders, because you can play with large number of players from all gaming backgrounds. You will not find this with many games. That will make 7W a valuable asset in your collection.