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Last Night on Earth, The Zombie Game
My friend got this for his birthday and we spent a decent amount of time playing the various scenarios.
Teams are divided between survivors and zombies where there can be up to 2 zombies and 4 survivors.
The various scenarios give you different starting places and objectives from the very basic tasks of killing zombies or defending the manor to the more complex tasks such as collecting items.
The length of the games will depend on the scenario and how familiar you are with the game. Starting out expect to spend about 2 hours just learning the rules, setting up the board and playing the first game. After that games seem to take 30-60 minutes, again depending on the scenario. The game is fairly open so expect to be checking the rule book at first fairly often for LoS rules and various mechanics.
The cards add a good amount of randomness and very few seem to be over powered. Zombie cards seem to be a bit weaker but this is probably by design as in most scenarios there are significantly more zombie lives.
The survivors seem to be much more strategy based than the zombies. They can use things such as the “hunger” mechanic to pull zombies around and must balance fighting the horde with collecting items to fight them with and finishing the scenario. Zombies are pretty much just driven to kill, which is fun but much less involved strategy wise.
Pros: Good mix of co-op and vs. Solid construction. Scenery is fun if you like zombie stuff. Good number of scenarios.
Cons: Cards can seem weak or you draw too much stuff that is non-pertinent to the scenario and a waste. Learning curve is rather steep and there are a lot of rules.