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Jared Beiswenger

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Android: Netrunner

81 out of 117 gamers thought this was helpful

I initially wrote this game off, thinking it was probably a good game, but over-hyped. The wife probably wouldn’t enjoy the hacker vs corporation theme anyway. When I got a chance to play a quick game at a mini-convention, I IMMEDIATELY saw the brilliance in the design, and knew I had to have it sooner or later. I convinced the wife and she loves it too.

Every turn has interesting choices that have you on the edge of your seat. The hidden information/bluffing aspect adds an amazing dimension where you can take risks and play mind games. We’ve had so many laughs and cheers after revealing a well laid trap or clinching a razor thin victory.

The replayability is off the charts. We’ve only played the base set, and I expect we’ll be buying expansions regularly. If you haven’t seen this game, I suggest you check out the tutorial videos Fantasy Flight has posted.

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