7th Dimension Games carries boardgames, RPGs, CCGs, miniatures, dice, painting supplies and related odds and ends. Stop by to play or buy eurogames (like Settlers of Catan or Puerto Rico), Trading card games (like Legend of the 5 Rings or Magic The Gathering) Role Playing Games (like Pathfinder, Dungeons & Dragons, or Fiasco), Warmachine, Malifaux, and much more.
You will not find any video games, or other things electronic. We believe that games are best unplugged!
My Store! 🙂 🙂
Laidback atmosphere (unless there’s a Magic Tourney!)
Scheduled Events, Gaming Parties, and Painting Classes
A good location and great game selection and tourneys!
Awesome place!
Very nice place to find a good selection of games, and even play a few.