Legend of the Five Rings RPG: Emerald Empire
Behold the Emerald Empire!
“Let this be called Rokugan, the Emerald Empire, and let it reflect all the glory and majesty of the Heavens themselves.” - Hantei, First Emperor of Rokugan
Emerald Empire: Fourth Edition is a comprehensive guide to Rokugan that will bring the world of Legend of the Five Rings alive like no other book. Emerald Empire mixes detailed written descriptions of various aspects of Rokugani life, from politics and war to commerce and the basic rhythms and rituals of daily existence. The book also has handy reference material for those who wish to know everything from who answers to whom in the bureaucracy of the Imperial Court to strange and exotic visitors from foreign lands.
Inside this tome you will find:
- Dozens of tables and hooks designed to provide quick reference for GMs who want to incorporate details of how daily life is lived in Rokugan, as well as anyone who is simply interested in the intricate life of the samurai.
- Clear and systematic descriptions of Rokugan’s social and political hierarchy, so that you never have to worry about who answers to whom in the Great Clans, the Minor Clans, and theImperial Court.
- A comprehensive look at law and order in the Empire, as well as the role of religion in the lives of those at all strata of the Celestial Order.
- All new information, including new Schools and returning favorites such as the Shinjo Bushi and the Ikoma Lion’s Shadow.
Emerald Empire is a must-have for Legend of the Five Rings Role-playing Game players who wish to bring their campaigns alive with a wealth of details about the workings of Rokugani life, as well as plot hooks and adventure ideas.
Emerald Empire also updates the previous edition of this book with nearly a quarter new content which has never been available before.
Draw your blade and join the fight for Rokugan.
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