Pulsar Event
Pulsar Event is a strategic, role playing card game. Players build their decks with character and upgrade cards. As players battle their characters in a card v. card fashion, upgrades can be attached to up the action, set traps, or keep the characters alive.
Build a deck with several character classes with unique abilities, coupled with wide assortment of upgrade cards to get the most out of your team. Players will try to attack, defend, and heal their way to victory. Knock out five rival characters to defeat an opponent, and claim victory!
Pulsar Event is an action-packed game using strategy, logic, and skill. This battle card game is in the sprit of RPG video game battle systems. Round consist of three phases: Recovery, Equip, and Attack. You may have to recover after an opposing attack, and then you can build your team back up by adding a Character to your battleground, or by equipping an Upgrade. Players can have a max of three of their characters on the battleground at a time, to attack card v. card. This allows players to become familiar with their team members, and also allows for fair and balanced game play throughout.
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