A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (2ed) – Mother of Dragons
Soon after the Mad King fell and in the wake of Robert’s Rebellion, the last two Targaryen children were forced to flee and hide in Essos. Now, King Robert is dead and the remaining lords and ladies of Westeros clamor to fill the space left behind on the Iron Throne. The time has come for the Targaryens to reclaim their birthright with fire and blood. With every ally and tool at their disposal and the long-forgotten fire of dragons, they will claw their way across the Narrow Sea and bring Westeros to its knees.
Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce Mother of Dragons, a new expansion for A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, now available for pre-order at your local retailer or online through our website! The Dragon Must Have Three Heads The world of A Game of Thrones: The Board Game grows even larger with the addition of a brand-new sideboard, bringing the Free Cities of Essos to the fight for the Iron Throne. Here is where the reborn House Targaryen makes their stand, starting in the city of Pentos. Yet even though the Targaryens begin the game far from home, there are many in Westeros that wish for the once-great family to reclaim the Iron Throne. For now, they pledge false loyalty to the rulers in Westeros, but secretly, they wait for the day of the dragon to come again. In the Mother of Dragons expansion for A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, House Targaryen has little need for castles and strongholds that are easily felled by dragonfire. Instead, their goal is to uncover the remaining Targaryen loyalists and rally them against the current holders of the Iron Throne. As such, House Targaryen does not earn victory points by capturing castles and strongholds. Instead, they track the number of territories loyal to their House—if they can claim seven of these on the victory track, they'll claim the Iron Throne and win the game! But the key power of House Targaryen comes in the form of Daenerys’s three dragons. Each of these magnificent creatures has an entirely new unit type. Unlike soldiers, whose loyalties can be bought, dragons cannot be mustered normally. There are only three dragons in existence, after all, and they remain in play from the beginning of the game until they are killed and leave the world permanently. Each of Dany’s dragons acts as a single land unit, attacking, defending, and obeying the same rules of supply. But unlike other military units, dragons have the ability to fly nearly anywhere in Essos or Westeros. What's more, dragons are alive, and they grow. As the game progresses, these beasts become stronger, growing from fledglings with a strength of zero at the start of the game to fearsome monsters with a strength of five by the time the battle for the throne finishes. With these creatures returning magic to the world of Westeros, who can deny the Targaryen’s divine right to rule?User Reviews (0)
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