Millennia of knowledge are at risk! Save the treasures of the Great Library in this asymmetrical & unconventional game for 2-4 players.
Centuries before the first universities, the internet and the modern era of scientific discovery there was the Great Library of Alexandria. Created to store the world’s knowledge, its scribes would copy every book found on every ship that entered Alexandria, and would go on to accumulate untold volumes of history, mathematics, geography, politics and more. Unfortunately, it was not to last. It was destroyed during the many conquests of Alexandria, and all that knowledge was lost forever. We may never really know how it happened, but the compelling story of its destruction has inspired us to publish this unconventional game. Join us in retelling the story of the burning of the Great Library! Designed by Babis Giannios (KUNE v LAKIA, Shadows over the Empire) and illustrated by Vincent Dutrait (Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island, T.I.M.E Stories, Lewis & Clark, Elysium) & Studio Asterman, Alexandria is a eurogame that takes 45-60 minutes to play, albeit a more unconventional one. With asymmetrical gameplay and a shrinking gameplay area, parts of the library are slowly consumed by fire as Heroes seek the treasures within it. Each of the four Heroes in the game has a different reason for being in the library at the time, and each one has different skills and motivations. As they move through the randomly-generated layout of the library, the Heroes interact with what they find in the rooms, as well as with each other. They position themselves to take advantage of the situation as it unfolds, and must manage their time wisely.User Reviews (0)
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