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Simeon Cheeseman

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10 out of 23 gamers thought this was helpful

We’ve played this a few times now, as mentioned elsewhere the most glaring oversight in the game is the construction of the numbered pieces and the need to paint the numbers white. Otherwise we are still starting to realise how strategic this game is, yes you only have one chance for essentially one strategy run as the game is so short. We have to play it several times to get all the strategy, and quite often it can be difficult to plan ahead correctly due to the number of steps in a turn.

Thinking about it a bit more I think this game plays fairly similarly to Agricola except that you can actively affect another player but still have to plan ahead with respect to your opponents.

What I like most about this game is how deceptively balanced it is, not that it is unbalanced, but that it seems unbalanced as the game is played and examined in each small part but when you start to consider the game as a whole you realise just how well balanced it all is.

See my blog for my full review (It’s a lot longer and more detailed):

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