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Terra Mystica
Terra mystica is a complex awesome completely fantasy version of settlers of catan with so much more depth. You choose one of 14 different races, and with different special abilities, and try and gain points by building the biggest city’s or completing little bonus tasks for the round, or advancing yourself in a cult. Problem is you need recourses, so build buildings to get them, next problem is you need resources to terraform a space to the environment that your race can build on, so you need more reassures so upgrade your buildings, next problem is they replace your old ones so instead of getting a worker for that dwelling it’s now a trading house so your get magic and gold, but you still need workers!
It’s all about balance, and figuring out what your race is good at, how you can get the most points, coz having the biggest city is just one way to get them, huge amounts of strategy and prior playing need to be involved.
One possible flaw with this game is lack of player interaction, you can pre-empt where they are thinking of building next and try and block them but that’s about it, there’s no other ways to directly effect another player, you just have to observe and adapt to claim more points that round.
The game is split into six rounds each with two bonus objectives to get more rewards during or at the end of the round, the six rounds will probably last about 45mins when everyone knows what they are doing, which sometimes feels a little short to me but once I get used to how most the races play I’m sure I’ll be able to accomplish more in that time. Is a great game and after the initial ‘Wow! There’s a lot of stuff going on here!’ Sensation play flows quite well and the phases of play make logical sense making the rules easy to memorise.