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Go to the The Settlers of Catan page
8 out of 11 gamers thought this was helpful

Catan is a simple, easy to learn game for beginners. The simple art and interactive play style allows for gamers of all levels to become engrossed in its beautiful simplicity.

Easy to learn
Infinite replayability
Fun for all levels of gamers
Unique style of play

May be boring for experienced gamers
Pieces are bland and simple
Very much luck based

The perfect game for beginners, Catan becomes dull after mastering the many strategies it gives you. The easy play and cooperative trading gets everyone involved and keeps every game interesting, making it a great game for most players.

Go to the Scythe page


6 out of 15 gamers thought this was helpful

The first thing you see when you get Scythe is the art. The wonderful, futuristic, yet simple box shows how complicated the game is. Every turn requires a handful of minutes to take. This game requires great patience and strategy many turns in advance. Scythe is a great game for people who take time to think many turns ahead. This game is not for the feint of heart, it would take the average player many hours to master this monolith. Scythe is good for intense gamers, but is much too complicated and strategy heavy for beginners.

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